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Giza Pyramids

Giza Pyramids

Here are 17 facts about the Great pyramid of Giza;

1-the pyramid is estimated to have around 2,300,000 stone blocks that weigh from 2 to 30 tons each and there are even some blocks that weigh over 50 tons.

2-the pyramid of Menkaure,the pyramid of Khafre and the Great pyramid of Khufu are precisely aligned with the constellation of Orion.

3-the base of the pyramid covers 55,000 m2 (592,000 ft 2) with each side greater than 20,000 m2 (218,000 ft 2 ) in area.

4- the interior temperature is constant and equals the average temperature of the earth, 20 Degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit).

5-the outer mantel was composed of 144,000 casing stones,all of the highly polished and flat to an accuracy of 1\100th of an inch, about 100 inches thick and weighing approx. 15 tons each.

6-the cornerstone foundations of the pyramid have ball and socket construction capable of dealing with heat expansion and earthquakes.

7- the mortar used is of an unknown origin (yes, no explanation was given ) it has been analyzed, and its chemical composition is known, but it can’t be reproduced. It is stronger than the stone and still holding up today.

8- it was originally covered with casing stones( made of highly polished limestone) these casing stones reflected the Sun’s light and made the pyramid shine like a jewel.

Giza Pyramids,they are no longer present being used by Arabs to build mosques after earthquake in the 14th century loosened many of them.

It has been calculated that the original pyramid with it’s casing stones would act like gigantic mirrors and reflect light so powerful that it would be visible from the moon as a shining star on earth.

Appropriately, the ancient Egyptians called the great pyramid ‘Ikhet’, meaning the Glorious light ,how these blocks were transported and assembled into the pyramid is still a mystery.

9- Aligned true North; the great pyramid is the most accurately aligned structure in existence and faces true north with only 3/60th of a degree of error.

The position of the North Pole moves over time and the pyramid was exactly aligned at one time .

10- Center of land mass; the great pyramid is located at the center of the land mass of the earth.

The east/west parallel that crosses the most land and the North/South meridian that crosses the most land intersect in two places on the earth, one in the Ocean and the other at the great pyramid.

11-The four faces of the pyramid are slightly concave ,the only pyramid to have been built this way.

12-The granite coffer in the king’s Chamber is too big to fit through the passages and so it must have been put in the place during construction.

14-Microscopic analysis of the coffer reveals that it was made with a fixed point drill that used hard jewel bits and a drilling force of 2 tons.

15-The great pyramid had a swivel door entrance at one time.Swivel doors were found in only two other pyramids;Khufu’s father and grandfather Senferu and Huni, respectively.

16- With the mantle in place, the great pyramid could be see from the mountains in Israel and probably the moon as well.

17-The weight of the pyramid is estimated 5,955,000 tons multiplied by 10^8 Gives a reasonable estimate of the earth’s mass.



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What do I need to know about my money and credit cards?

Egypt is mostly a cash society. Many of the hotels and restaurants that you’ll be visiting will have the option to pay by credit or debit card but it’s good for you to be aware that it is not prevalent throughout Egypt. Your itinerary will indicate if you will be staying at all-inclusive accommodations which will provide

all-you-can-eat meal buffets. You will want to exchange money to buy souvenirs and any snacks or drinks.

It is easy to change money in Egypt many Cairo hotels offer exchange services and have comparable rates as banks. There are ATM machines throughout Egypt where you can withdraw egyption cash from you bank card as your tour guide if you need any assistance. Before leaving home it is advisable for you to inform your bank and credit card issuer about the dates of your trip to Egypt so that they do not block your debit or credit cards on the assumption that your purchases in Egypt are fraudulent, let them know of your travel dates in advance so you don’t have problems.

What are my options for cell phone service and internet connection

Prior to leaving for Egypt, you can check with your mobile phone company and learn more about their international roaming plans. We have heard great things about T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT£T you can also wait until you arrive at Cairo international airport and stop at one of their mobile phone kiosks to buy

a 1 Month prepaid SIM card with 5GB ( approximately 15$ ) it gives you internet access plus local and international calls there are four main mobile phone stores each with many locations all throughout Egypt : Etisalat , Orange , Vodafone, and We .

I’ve heard crazy things about the traffic in Cairo. Is it as chaotic as people have described ?

The traffic laws and norms of the roads are very different in Egypt compared to the United States and other countries in the world, staying neatly in the lines is not how the people drive think more along the lines of a school of fish moving along tightly packed together. Everyone on the roadways is, of course, subject to potential collisions but you can have confidence that your drivers (S) are licensed, know the rules and the routes and have the experience and skills to get you from point A to point B. We use up to-data, licensed and insured

air-conditioned vehicles with experienced drivers who are often English speakers but not always fluently. We strongly urge all our clients to use seat belts at all times when on the road

I’ve heard that I will need to tip bathroom attendants at public restrooms. Is that true ?

Yes! It is one of the first surprises travelers encounter in the Cairo International Airport. Imagine you’ve just gotten off the plane and have made a quick stop in the bathroom and unexpectedly you are greeted by a bathroom attendant, with their hand held out to you as though they are waiting for you to give them something. Well , that something is a tip ( in Egyptian currency )

If you need to use the facilities and you don’t have a tip readily available to give

To them, just politely apologize. They will still allow you to use the bathroom though they may pressure you a little for a trip.

The reason these bathrooms attendant are there is to help keep the restrooms clean and stocked with supplies. It’s their job and their wages are solely from tips. To best prepare for this, and many other circumstance that will require you to tip you’ll want to exchange a small amount of money upon arrival at the Cairo  Airport at one of their bank kiosks. It’s advisable to hold off on exchanging large sums of money later on when your tour guide can take you to a bank or ATM.

What am I going to do if I get upset stomach ?

It is always smart to travel with medication for an upset stomach, just in case. We urge our guests to be especially careful for the first few days. Although many travelers use the local tap water to brush their teeth, it is our advice to avoid drinking it. Bottled water is available everywhere as is the ubiquitous mint tea. Out tour guide will take you to highly reputable places but there are still general precautions that you should take to help avoid stomach aches and diarrhea during the first few days, even if you love salads, avoid uncooked vegetables and fruits, unless they can be peeled.

Definitely use caution buying food or fresh drinks sold from street vendors.

Take time to observe the sanitary conditions and use your best judgment.

Freshly squeezed juices are readily available and inexpensive but they can be risky if the fruits have not need washed properly. Milk is not always pasteurized outside of the hotels, and in general local sanitation may be questionable.

If you are prone to car sickness, bring medication to help with that. Many experts recommend a medicine available over the counter in Egyptian pharmacies called ( Antinal 200 ) ( Nifuroxazide ) bring any medication you might need to keep it in your carry-on bag, in case your luggage is delayed or lost. Pharmacies are everywhere and are usually very well stocked, though they may not have the name with which you are familiar.

Prior to your trip, talk to your doctor regarding your specific requirements, and recommended vaccines before departure if she or he asks you whether you will be traveling outside of the large cities, the answer is yes you will however, be eating in four and five-star hotels and restaurants. If a serious problem arises, we will do our very best to make sure it is remedied as soon as possible. Please inform us ahead of time if you have a medical condition or need some special accommodations.

Is the quality of the hotels and cruise ships consistent with their 5-star rating?

In traveling to such a major world city as Cairo it is easy to forget that you are in developing country and service may not be up to western standards. Always allow a little extra time for check ins and checkouts. Your patience is always appreciated. Making the simple effort to learn someone’s name or hello can do wonders to ensure top-notch service. Please note that the quality of the hotels varies considerably from one city to another.


We make every effort to select the best accommodation’s possible based on your preference, budget and availability for your dates. However, after a few days at an ultra-deluxe hotel, the next property may seem like a letdown in comparison, even though it may the best available. There are peak travel times and international events that can drive up prices and affect occupancy levels at the hotels. Rest assured that Ahmed and his team are constantly striving to place you in the nicest available 5-star rating hotels throughout your stay.

We will be eating traditional Egyptian food?

Egyptian love great food and many menus carry a wide array of choices to appeal to their international guests. We have hope that you will take the opportunity to try new cuisine, but there will always be familiar options to choose from. Egyptian cuisine is characterized by the use of a plethora of spices, including coriander, cinnamon, cumin, saffron, dried ginger, and paprika, some dishes lean more Mediterranean in flavor while others taste similar to Indian cuisine.


Egyptian food is typically not hot ( spicy ) you can find a lot of options that incorporate rice, chicken, vegetables and bread along with hummus and other dipping sauces. Fruit is often eaten after a meal, along with a glass of mint tea. If you get the opportunity, you should try their unofficial national dish called Koshari. Falafel is also very popular in Egypt you might also want to try their cold lemon mint drink.


As for their dessert, you’ll encounter Om Ali ( Egyptian bread pudding )

Basbousa cake, kunafa which is a pastry-cheesy-sweetened-condensed milk sort of treat, and of course baklava it’s nutty and flaky and syrupy-sweet though egypt is getting better at this, you’ll discover that menus do not always identify foods that are vegetarian, gluten-free, nut-free or dairy-free if you have dietary restrictions, please ask questions and read the ingredients carefully and ask for help from your tour guide.

What should I know about traveling during Ramadan and other National Holidays ?

Ramadan is the most notable religious observance in the Muslim world. Ramadan literally means “ the hot month “ it is a month-long time period for Muslims to pray and fast and increase their personal faith and devotion to God.

Adherents fast from sun up to sun down abstaining from food and drink and smoking during that time. It is a time for families to gather together and for the faithful to focus on charitable giving and generosity.

Also incorporated into this and other Islamic holidays is the gifting and eating of dates which is the fruit from date palm trees which has significant meaning to the faith. During Ramadan, non-Muslim are not expected to fast but it is best for you to be discrete in your eating and drinking to show respect to those who are fasting. Ramadan follows the Islamic lunar calendar and revolves around a shortened 354 day calendar which slowly cycles through different seasons.

There are two associated celebrations that go along with Ramadan. Eid al fitr

The feast of sweet, commemorates the end of Ramadan. Eid al adha, which marks the climax of the hajj or pilgrimage to macca, is the feast of the sacrifice and honors the willingness of Abraham to sacrifice his son ismail the miracle of the story of Abraham is that god provided a ram “ in the ticket “ to be sacrificed instead of his son therefore adherents perform their own sacrifices of a ram and divide up the meat to share with family and friends. On the days leading up to Eid al adha, you will notice makeshift pens of rams throughout city street to be sold for this feast of the sacrifice during both of these feasts families gather for special meals gifts are exchanged, people wear fancy new clothes and charitable donations are given.

Consider yourself lucky if your travel dates carry you into Egypt during these notable celebrations. It’s interesting to experience these holidays while in the Middle East. Whether or not your trip coincides with Ramadan and its associated holidays, your trip to Egypt will surely give you an opportunity to hear the daily “ call to pray “ it is projected over loudspeakers, five times a day from every mosque minaret reminding everyone of the religious ideologies that permeate the land.
